Picture of Kenny
Kenny on a dock in Cozumel with Peggy and Dennis laughing

Kenneth Farley Jr., Vice President

PADI Dive Master, Diveheart Advanced Dive Buddy

AKA I have had many roles at a Complex Fabrication company for the past 12 years. Currently I am the Business Development Manager for Aerospace and Defense.

Why I Became A Dive Buddy: I have been diving for a little over 2 years. I have always loved being in the ocean and until a couple of years ago I had never seen scuba diving as a possibility. I fell in love with diving as soon as I went underwater for the first time. When Dale approached me about being a board member for Scuba Access For Everyone (S.A.F.E.) I was honored and thrilled because this was a way to share something I love with everyone. Being part of an organization that will change the lives of the divers and dive buddies is so amazing and I look forward to doing this well into the future.

Favorite Place To Dive: Favorite cold water dive site is Sund Rock Washington and my favorite warm water destination is Cozumel.