Dive Buddies Change Lives, be part of the team.

What is a Dive Buddy

Adaptive divers learn all the same skills all divers learn. They try their best to complete them in the pool with the help of their instructor. For the skills they cannot complete the Dive Buddy team steps in to fill the gap. While filling this needed role you will also make life long friends, share Scuba, and watch the magic of the ocean through another divers eyes. Being a buddy is a life changing experience, not only do you become a better diver you also help others enjoy scuba diving. It is an emotional experience for you and them. For many adaptive divers it is the first time since their injury that they have not been sitting or lying down. Imagine the felling of weightlessness … no chair or bed.

How to Become a Dive Buddy

Training Structure consists of five sections, a training manual, online course, pool sessions to learn skills and empathy, land clinics for skills and empathy and open water dives.

Prerequisites for Buddy Diver: Open Water Diver with 20 dives, Minimum of 15 years old, been diving, or taken a refresher course, in the past two years, have current CPR/First Aid/AED training. Advanced Buddy Diver:  Minimum of 18 years old, Certified Rescue Diver, with at least 40 logged dives, been diving, or taken a refresher course, in the past two years, have current CPR/First Aid/AED training. *Pre-requisite to certification: 30 experiences working with adaptive divers underwater, a minimum of 15 in open water environments.

The Open Water dives can be done in the Puget Sound or on a tropical trip with Diveheart or S.A.F.E. The best part of the tropical trip is you get to dive and train with adaptive divers all week. You will join a team of buddy divers and gain the confidence you need by the end of the week. For Advanced Dive Buddies you will meet the 15 open water dives by the end of the week. Best part…you will make lifetime friends in the process.

Mark, Dennis and Ricardo dive training

Training Opportunities

We offer 1 or 2 training events in the spring. Sign up for the newsletter to keep informed.

A team of 3 or more can request a special training session.
Our Instructors are willing to travel to offer training for your group.

Email Dale for more information. Dale@safescuba.net