dale, josh, kim, elizabeth and debbie on a dive boat after a dive

Josh & Kim

Josh and Kim have incorporated the spirit of adventure into their lives. For their first anniversary, they went hot air ballooning and thoroughly enjoyed it. Naturally, scuba diving was high on their list. They joined us on Mondays, working with Dale and Elizabeth to master scuba diving. Their enthusiasm was evident, and they joined our September Roatan trip last year to complete their open water dives. They enjoyed it so much that they've decided to return this year. It's a shared experience they will cherish.

We've gained invaluable insights from this dynamic pair, from everyday skills like sighted guide techniques to travel assistance such as room orientation. We've also enhanced our understanding of communication; for example, we've learned that sighted individuals rely heavily on gestures and facial expressions. Its a great thing they like sarcasm and puns. We have spent many hours laughing together.

Dale, Elizabeth, Debbie, Josh, and Kim dedicated a month to developing hand signals for diving. While we had a basic set for training, we needed more for actual dives. Elizabeth even created a braille slate – a truly remarkable innovation!

We consider ourselves incredibly lucky to have met Josh and Kim.

elizabeth and kim on a dive

"People say we can't do certain things, like scuba diving. We respond with, 'Oh yeah? Watch us!'"

bert and josh on a dive